Create GitHub
Hey everyone I am going to tell you how to create a cool :d GitHub
Firstly create a new repo. The repo name should be same with your GitHub name.
If you don’t know how to create a GitHub repo, you can look this doc.
After that, we see a page like that.
We are going to write our readme in this page. Let’s begin.
Generally people say “Hi there” with waving emoji but, I just introduce myself.
<h1 align=”center”> It-s Taylan</h1>
After the “hey” part I use a gif. It is fit on me.
<h3 align=”center”> Ssorry i’m busy saving the dinosaur generation :skull_and_crossbones: keep going please :point_down: </h3>
<p align=”center”>
<img src=”" width=”500" height=”150" />
I try to make a design that looks good.
The another point is communication. I add contact me and followers sections on The Stalker section is your profile views. You can use this feature if you want to count your profile visitors.
<p align=”center”>
<a href= “">
<img align=”center” src=”" />
<a href= “">
<img align=”center” src=”" />
</p><p align=”center”>
<img src=”" />
In final step, I finish with Most Used Languages.
<h3 align=”center”> look mom i can write </h3>
<p align=”center”>
<img src=”" />
I am going to add new things over time. I am going to write them too. Thus, we have prepared a cool :d GitHub If you want to add new things.
You can review this documentation.
This is my github account. You can also check there.